Grade 4 & 5


7 Days program [Jan 14, 2017 – Jan 20,2017]

Time: 2:00 pm- 5:00 pm


Rs 10,000/-

Rs 6,000/-

What will your kids learn?

  • Your kids will learn to build robots using Lego Mindstorm. Mindstorm is special type of lego units that can be programmed to behave as per the builder’s wishes.
  • They will be introduced to programming in order to control the behavior of the robots that they build.
  • They will learn to work together with other kids to overcome challenges that are present in the course.

Lesson Plan

Week 1

Day 1

  • Introduction to Lego Mindstorm parts and how to get started
  • Building the very first robot i.e, Joe-Bot
  • Joe-Bot speaks and shows facial expressions
  • Joe-Bot learns to move  (Introduction to rotation, power)
  • Joe-Bot learns to navigate
  • Joe-Bot gets an upgrade i.e, add caster wheel for better movement
  • Joe-Bot navigates through the challenging route to school. 

Day 2

  • Define the Challenge
  • Build a bot to meet the challenge (Three point turn and parallel parking)
  • Introduce Three point turns, parallel parking and reverse safely
  • Parallel parking (Figure out and make a course)
  • Angle parking (Figure out and make a course)
  • Perpendicular parking (Figure out and make a course)
  • Update the scores

Week 2

Day 1

  • Build a bot to do the challenge
  • Wait for touch
  • Programming – Forward until touch
  • Rhoomba challenge
  • Arm position challenge
  • Reverse using touch, and light indicators

Day 2

  • Ultrasonic sensor
  • wait for near
  • forward until near
  • backward until far
  • maze challenge

Week 3

Day 1

  • Color sensor
  • Wait for green
  • Forward until red
  • wait for no red
  • traffic signal challenge
  • Automatic Headlights challenge(From Lego education site)

Day 2

  • Loops
  • Robot config
  • looped movement
  • loop with count control
  • loop with sensor control
  • container handling challenge
  • Line detection using color (From LEGo Education site)

Week 4

Day 1

  • Robot config
  • Obstacle detection failure
  • Obstacle detection
  • switch loops
  • until black line
  • Obstacle orchard challenge
  • line follower

Day 2

  • Search 4 rooms and deal with situation
  • fire – put out by driving backwards, color red on floor
  • survivor – need to carry out of room
  • collapse – navigate around collapse – color black
  • empty room – analyze air sample by playing audio

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